ABOUT Grandma Candice

Hello & Welcome

I hope that you will enjoy and comment. Are you somebody looking for other perspectives and strategies? Or maybe you are just looking for a moment or two of reading. I know that I am often up for a short journey out of my own thinking.  The mission of my blog is to help families enjoy a lifestyle that is both more relaxed and more attuned to the needs of each member each day, to reduce the process and stress of illness in a complementary and non-invasive way, and to provide strategies for combating stress. I will be drawing on many years of experience as a mother and grandmother as well as extensive training in classic homeopathy and other modalities.

I discovered what was then known as alternative health in the 1980s, when my children were young. It became complementary medicine in the 1990s and I’m not sure what we call it now, but in my philosophy it is lifestyle and prevention that I do my best to work with. In my study of Chinese medicine I was thrilled to learn that they study even what is considered obsolete, because if it used to matter, then surely more can be learned. Compare and contrast, research and learn; all are very important to health and wellness.  As well as Classical Homeopathy, which I studied both on my own and as a four-year graduate of Teleosis School of Homeopathy in 1999, I have studied herbs and Chinese medicine.

If you would like to meet with me to address your unique circumstances and consider strategies, I do offer one-on-one consultations live within a reasonable radius or by using Facetime or Zoom. Email me at cae5754@gmail.com, or phone me at 585-880-0294. 

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